Bam & Portland

Simple | Easy |Straight

A simple guide/tour to enjoy your time in Portland

What I do

Review places in Portland.

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guide to places in Portland.

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Check out the Best things to do and places to visit in Portland!

Local Chess Meetups: Join the Portland Chess Adventure​


Gelato in Portland: Discover Pinolo Gelato and Ordering Tips​

Who am I

When I first moved here, I wanted to find unique places to visit, not just the usual tourist spots. So, I started exploring the city on my bike. Now, I’ve found many great spots, and I want to share them with you! Whether you’re a local or a visitor, there are fun places to check out, like spots to play chess with the community and more!

Bam & Eye

The world as I see it, pictures from my travels, including favorite spots in Portland. It’s my favorite page!

Mount Hood

Shrek's Home


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